Sunday, December 5, 2010


Add a note hereThe simulation campaign has the aim of assessing the scheduling framework behavior in terms of both (1) class-based QoS differentiation capability and fair share of the channel bandwidth and (2) fairness in the treatment of traffic flows in the same class. The monitored performance parameters are the following:
§  Add a note hereThroughput: represents the achieved bit rate for a given traffic flow, accounting for the totality of packets delivered at the target SS. The totality of delivered packets include both useful and unuseful packets. Unuseful packets are either errored or expired packets.
§  Add a note hereGoodput: represents the achieved bit rate for a given traffic flow, accounting for the successfully delivered packets at the target SS. Successfully delivered packets are those packets received without errors and within the maximum tolerated latency. The goodput index intrinsically accounts for both packet losses and delays.
§  Add a note hereAverage latency: is the delay accumulated by packets of each flow from their arrival time at the BS to the delivery time at the target SS.
§  Add a note hereTotal packet loss percentage: accounts for packet losses occurred both at the BS, due to deadline expiration of queued packets waiting for an error-free channel, and at the receiving SS due to channel errors or to the reception of over-delayed packets.

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